Well - we are ready. Tomorrow we have to be at MRI no later than 7:00 am as Haven needs to be on the table by 8:00 am. She is not allowed to eat anything after 5:00 am. So this should be fun! We won't know anything about the MRI until Tuesday when we go to Chemo. So I will try to post on Tuesday night.
I just wanted to thank everyone for the cards that Haven has received over the past year and all the gifts. It's amazing at what a card can do for her. When she doesn't have one for a couple of days she will ask if I called any of her friends because no one wrote her. :) It's cute.
I wanted to also share something she said the other day. We received a card in the mail and it read:
Dear Princess Haven,
My mom told me you were sick. I am writing to tell you I hope you get better so we can play someday.
After reading the card, Haven looked a bit puzzled. I asked what she was thinking and she says:
"Why does everyone think I'm sick?"
I honestly didn't know how to answer that question. She thinks all kids go to the doctors like her because she sees a lot of kids there.
We had a few crazy nights here. Friday night was a bad sleep walking episode. She was on the couch and I slept on the floor next to her. She started screaming and I woke up and she was standing above me trying to take her clothes off. I thought for sure this was another "ugly bugs" nightmare. But she was yelling that she was scared of the dark. After about 10 minutes I got her on the floor with me and snuggled in. Saturday we had a bad dream about a dog biting her. She was kicking and screaming about this dog and wouldn't stop. I had to scream at the dog and tell her I got him away. She laid back down and went to sleep.
I hope to sleep peacefully tonight! :)
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