On Thursday we decided we would do Medieval Times for dinner since Haven had never been. She was a bit nervous and didn't understand what we meant by a show with knights and horses.

Once in the room she quickly got in to the spirit. She wanted a princess hat - of course - and even asked me if she could go up and get a photo with the King and Princess.

My princess at the show ready to cheer for the Red Knight!

Haven learning to eat Medieval way. She loved the tomato soup and her garlic bread! I couldn't believe how excited she was and how much fun she had.

Having a blast - she partied, screamed, and even stood up waving her flag at her knight. During the show they announced her name to everyone and that she was there for her Make-A-Wish trip. Then all of the sudden her red knight came up to her with his lance and handed his sash to her. He ultimately won the challenge of all the knights for her. It was amazing!

After the show Daddy went up to her knight and talked to him and thanked him for giving her special attention. He then came over to me and Haven and asked if he could take a photo with her and signed her sash. It was awesome!
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