Thursday, March 27, 2008

Statistical Truth

As Haven's medication treatments get closer and closer the doctor asked
me to make sure we have read all of the side effects for each
medication and that we bring any and all questions with us at the April 4th
meeting. With very little options and the decision made for us. Below
are the side effects and statistics:

100% of children - fever, shaking chills, loss of white blood cells,
vomiting, loss of red blood cells, hair loss, high blood pressure,
excessive weight gain, inability to fight infections or disease,
abnormal hormone production

1 out of 5 children - bleeding of bladder, poor wound healing,
darkeningof skin, thinning skin, high risk of fractures due to decreased
calcium, damage to heart muscle, risk of heart failure, short of breath,
diarrhea, fainting

1 out of 25 children - blurred vision, heart damage, damage to lungs,
new cancer of Leukemia, damage to bladder, rapid heart rate, breathing
difficulty, severe headaches, damage to brain, fatal kidney failure,
rash causing loss of skin, hepatitus C, inflamed pancreas, stomach &
intestinal bleeding, slowed growth, ulcers, seizures, stroke or heart
attack, coma, death

We also have no guarantee anything will work and then maybe it will.
Who knows. All I can guarantee is that after April 7th the way you
know my child now will not be the same.


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ROHHAD in Ireland

 I received this story in my email today. It still shocks me that my daughter has ROHHAD. It's a horrible disease that destroys a child...