Thursday, April 10, 2008

Day 1

This was taken about 10 minutes after we were released. She was so tired and a little freaked out about the mask.

This the Rituximub

Well we got into the hospital cancer building around 9am to start the
first dose of chemo. Today was the first administration of the
Rituximab. I really wasn't sure what to expect and the nurses and
doctors reviewed everything with me before we began. I opted to have
her take her Benadryl by IV because they said it would make her fall
asleep. I don't want her to be uncomfortable and sleep makes the time
go quicker!

After about an hour of the medicine Haven started to get really cold and
shortly after started shaking. They came in and her blood pressure had
dropped very fast. They called in Dr. Paz and he checked her over and
we continued with the meds. She started shaking a bit more so I got a
heated blanket for her. I wanted one too!! It was so warm! :)

The blanket made her feel better. About 30 mins later they checked her
vitals again. Blood pressure was going up fast, temperature was going
up, and heart rate jumped up. So we had vital checks every 30 mins
after that.

Overall she did relatively well today. She had minor stomach upset and
diarrhea but not too bad. She and I slept on the couch. She seems to be
more comfortable there.

1 comment:

  1. Mist; tell Havey that she is a very brave girl. I felt so helpless when I saw the picture of the little angel. You and Kris hang in as well as you can. I would like to be there to help but it's just impossible. How is Tovy?
    Love to all


ROHHAD in Ireland

 I received this story in my email today. It still shocks me that my daughter has ROHHAD. It's a horrible disease that destroys a child...