Learning sustainability for our family and taking care of kids. Becoming a chicken mom in 2020! Our oldest- Haven, 17, was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma Cancer and ROHHAD Syndrome at age 3. We continue to battle these today.
Friday, January 25, 2008
mIBG is done!!!
This is her getting her stickies on so they could monitor the heart rate.
They even let Haven gas herself. It was so cute. Her arms started getting weak and she could barely hold the mask on her face.
After a couple seconds the nurse took over and gave her a good hold on the mask. She was out quick. We gave her a bunch of kisses and left her to her testing.
Two hours later we were in recovery and she was doing great. All she ever wants to do is get the IVs out. They were able to put the IV in on the first try.
This test was needed before surgery. It will show the doctors exactly where all the cancer is in her body. Plus what we like is that the radiation starts working on the tumor before surgery. She was awake so easy out of this one and ready to go that they let her leave after only 40 minutes in recovery. She was an absolute angel.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Surgery Confirmed
So tomorrow we will get the scan - she must be there early to meet with the anesthesiologists before they give her the anesthesia. She will be gased again before they try to put an IV in.
Anyway - she did a great job and we were super proud of her!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
When is surgery?
During surgery they will be performing the following:
Removal of tumor - as best they can
Hickman Line - tube inserted for chemo
Bone marrow extract
Spinal Tap
We are not confirmed on surgery nor do we have a time. Just a rumor right now.
Some good news!
Our secret: Snack time is sugar free jello with only 10 calories! :)
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Meet with Neurology - Kennedy Krieger Center
We did receive a prescription for some medication for seizures - in case she is to have another one. She did test high on most of the tests but a lot of them she refused to talk to the doctors but would answer when I asked her. Instead of repeating the same sentence back to the doctor she'd correct the doctor.
Doctor would say: "Dad went to the store"
Haven would say: "No, my mom went to the store"
or they'd say: Mom did something and she'd correct them and say Dad did it not Mom.
The Oncologist have taken Haven off her blood pressure medicine to do the radiation testing over the next two days. And in 2 days her BP has gone from 106/64 to 126/78. So Kris is at the doctor with Haven now to figure out what we can do. They will not administer anesthesia if her BP is too high and by Friday it may be too high. Plus she has surgery the week of Feb. 4th so we're worried if they don't put her back on she won't be able to have surgery.
Will update once I have more information. :)
Friday, January 18, 2008
Schedule for next week
Wednesday: Blood pressure check at pediatrician
Thursday: Radiation injection
Friday: mIBG scan and meet with Oncology
So we definitely have a full week ahead of us. We have to get her prescription for potassium iodine drops that she will take 2 times a day for 1 week - due to radiation scan. Meeting with Neurology and probably another MRI scheduled on February 4th. They want to discuss the behavior, weight gain, seizures, sleep episodes - so that will be a whole day.
Oncology says we have to get her off the blood pressure medicine before the mIBG scan. So we're cutting her back over the next 5 days down to nothing by the 23rd. So this is why the blood pressure check.
Haven has been a bit sick and achy the past few days. She's been sleeping a lot. We've been sleeping on the big heating pad - it helps her bones and aches.
We start the 3rd round of Cushings/Paraneoplastic testing tonight. This will be 3 nights at 11pm and two mornings at 8am of chewing on the cotton thingy. She's used to that so she's a pro. I'm sure when she wakes up she'll be excited to know I was able to find the tubes again. They are very hard to find and take a few days to finally locate a place that has them. Kris picked them up this morning when our attempt to last night in the SNOW failed.
Those are my updates for now. I have been on the phone with doctors since about 3pm and it's now 5pm. Talk to everyone soon!
Love ya
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Meeting with the Surgeon
I personally have to say one thing that is really irritating to me is that every nurse we talk to always asks us why were in. When they start the conversation off like that I instantly get upset. If I'm coming in to a cancer department or a surgical building I believe you should know why I'm there or get someone who has read my file. Don't make me go through the entire 2 year history each time.
So the surgeon finally came in to review the MRI and report and what the surgery will entail. We went through EVERTHING.....it was a long meeting. We did get to see the actual tumor and it was shocking to us and the surgeon could only say that it will be "interesting".
If you can picture it: The tumor is shaped like a kidney bean (which is extremely rare) and is actually "glued" on to the spine and cradling the Aorta. The Vena Cava is wrapped around the tumor on the left side and has actually grown with the tumor. These are the two major arteries that run to and from the heart.
Normally a Neuroblastoma tumor is a ball on one side and generally an easier surgery. Haven's is shaped like a kidney bean and actually wraps around the Aorta 1/2 way. With this the surgeon is unsure he will be able to remove all of the tumor and will not sacrifice anything vital to do so. He will not be able to confirm what he will do in surgery until he can get inside and see it. There are two ways: 1. move the arteries away from the tumor to take it out; or 2. take out as much of the tumor without moving the arteries - leaving a small section behind to be desolved by chemo.
The tumor is on the spine but is confirmed NOT in the spinal column. The nerves are slightly weaved in to the tumor so he will not be able to remove the tumor from those. He will remove as much as possible without touching the nerves.
She is also confirmed to show no signs of Metastasis - a 2nd form of cancer that is sometimes caused by Neuroblastoma.
Her tumor shape is extremely rare - the doctors have already met with two large board members that only work on tumors and none of them have had a Neuroblastoma like this. It will be a tricky surgery.
The incision is to be 5 inches long and cut vertically in the left side of her abdomen. They are unable to go horizontal at bikini line or through the belly button because they need a lot of room to get in there. This tumor produces a hormone that causes weight gain and because of that she has a lot of layers of fatty tissue around her. Thus increasing the difficulty of the surgery and healing process could be slightly longer. They will not have external sutures or staples. Everything will be internal and she will not need to come in to have anything removed. Due to fatty tissue we have a higher risk of infection so we will receive detailed instructions on cleaning and bandaging the wound as he assures us the fat will cause it to have a bit of puss.
As for the tube for her future treatments of chemo and IV's they are still trying to decide if she will have port or the tube. If she has the tube (due to fatty tissue) it will be about 7 inches long. They can either put it in her neck or in her chest - which hasn't been decided yet.
He is guessing that the entire surgery will be about 4 hours (they can't keep her under too long) but I have thoughts that it will actually be longer. mIBG is being done the 24th and 25th of January. Right now it looks like surgery will be right after that. There are a few more tests we must do before surgery and a few more meetings.
As for how Kris and I are doing - we are ok I guess. We're tired and a bit worn out. By the time we get through the doctor meetings we have to get back to work or finish out the day. We don't know if it's day or night sometimes. Haven has been sleeping much better - my parents bought her a new mattress that's really soft and Kris' mom and Simon got her some princess sheets and she's loving them.
Thank you everyone for calling or emailing or texting. We're here --- just sometimes a little busy. Grandma Virginia has been staying with us and will be here through Haven's birthday. She's been a great help to Kris and I and Miss Haven.
Sorry for the book it's been a big day. Love to you all. - M
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
What is Paraneoplastic Syndrome?
Below is a description.
A paraneoplastic syndrome is a disease or symptom that is the consequence of the presence of cancer in the body. These phenomena are mediated by humoral factors (by hormones or cytokines) excreted by tumor cells or by an immune response against the tumor.
What are Paraneoplastic Syndromes? Paraneoplastic syndromes are a group of rare degenerative disorders that are triggered by a person's immune system response to a neoplasm, or cancerous tumor. Neurologic paraneoplastic syndromes are believed to occur when cancer-fighting antibodies or white blood cells known as T cells mistakenly attack normal cells in the nervous system. These disorders typically affect middle-aged to older persons and are most common in persons with lung, ovarian, lymphatic, or breast cancer. Neurologic symptoms generally develop over a period of days to weeks and usually occur prior to tumor detection, which can complicate diagnosis. These symptoms may include difficulty in walking and/or swallowing, loss of muscle tone, loss of fine motor coordination, slurred speech, memory loss, vision problems, sleep disturbances, dementia, seizures, sensory loss in the limbs, and vertigo. Neurologic paraneoplastic syndromes include Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome, stiff-person syndrome, encephalomyelitis (inflammation of the brain and spinal cord), myasthenia gravis, cerebellar degeneration, limbic and/or brainstem encephalitis, neuromyotonia, and opsoclonus (involving eye movement) and sensory neuropathy.
Is there any treatment?
What is the prognosis?
What research is being done?
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Flowers with Mom
Well my 3 wick candle finally burned out and I do not have any more. So while out at Ikea today I decided to go big and spend my $5 on some rocks and twigs. :) Yes, it has lots of curly cues and funky white things and some green fake leaves. Looks beautiful and Haven helped me do it.
Dad got a couple pictures of us working through the mess. We have a lot of fun doing this stuff.
Grandma and Grandpa Visit
This is my beautiful angel. :) We love her. This is actually after Grandma Virginia did her complete make over but I love it so much I put it first. She has make up on and her hair curled. She was having so much fun.
Make up time
Now time to add the lip stick!
Cooking with Grandma!
The Starface is born!
Haven helped to set the table this morning for breakfast.
Giving Hercules and Hector their treats. They really liked Haven doing the treats. They receive a LOT of treats.
The Dancing Duo
Doggies everywhere!
Family photo before Simon was off on his 6 hour drive back home with the boys. Nice day for a picture.
Building with Dad
That's right. She's bad and she's on the East side now! She got her new shirt and hat from Uncle Brian and Aunt Lisa. Had to immediately put it on. She's so cool!
Dad decided with everyone coming out over the next few months that it would be wise to get a table. Wha Lha! This table seems familiar! We loved it so much the first time we went back for a 2nd one. :)
Haven loves to help out when building with dad!
Almost done.....
She loves to build with her dad. Anything and everything.
What a happy smile!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
MRI has been completed!
Picture of Haven after the MRI in the recovery room about to go home.
Well last night Haven was so comfy sleeping on the couch and sleeping so soundly that we decided to let her sleep. I slept on the floor on the huge heating pad from my parents and around 5am she was thumping her way to me and crawled up next to me on the floor. I think it was the best night sleep she's had in a long time. So tonight she has been relaxing on "her" couch again!
Well we have been at the hospital all day (from 10am - 530pm) for Haven's MRI and in the recovery room. She had to have the MRI scan of the entire body so it took longer than a normal MRI - about twice as long. She was checked out by the doctors and nurses before undergoing the anesthesia as we have had many issues with anesthesia before. She is not able to have Verset or Ketamine so they always have to find a third alternative for her.
Due to her veins being so small and hard to find the 2 anesthesiologists decided to use the gas on her to knock her out first. This was a very hard decision and Kris and I did not agree on this at first. I didn't want it because the possibility of her stopping breathing due to the fatty tissue surrounding her neck. But this is the way the doctors chose to go as well. It was hard to see her. We held her hands until she went limp and they made us leave. We were allowed to give her a kiss good bye and told her we loved her and we'd see her soon.
The doctors ultimately had to use a breathing tube in her throat to keep her breathing and any collapse of the muscle could be bad. They did take 3 times to find a vein (which they ended up finding her the top of her hand). She is still bruised pretty bad from the last CT scan and blood work at the Oncology office.
She completed the entire scan without any issues and the doctors were very proud of her. Around 2:30 pm they brought her back out to us - of course we kept bugging them as it was supposed to be over at 1:30 pm. I get nervous when it's even 5 minutes past time. Then we went up to recovery and she had to stay there for a while. They wouldn't let her leave until she was completely conscious of everything and could stand. Her words were still a little slurred.
So finally around 4:15pm she was able to eat something. She hadn't eaten since 7pm the night before. So yes, she's been spoiled all night. As she says - she just wants to "B-lax" which means relax.
She has made plans to call her grandmas and aunts tomorrow when her voice is back. She can't talk right now as her throat is scratched up and hoarse from the tubes. But she is smiling and happy. Daddy rented her whatever movies she wanted and she got a whole box of Otter Pops for tomorrow.
Grandma and Grandpa Virginia come to visit tomorrow and will stay with her for the next few weeks. She is really looking forward to this. Plus the two fuzzy white doggies will be coming so I'm sure her days will be exciting and she won't bug dad about when I'm coming home from work.
Well this is a book - I've finally gotten rid of my migraine by sitting in the dark for 3 hours and having no one talk.
We love you all and thank you everyone for sending cards and text messages and gifts to Haven. She is definitely feeling the love from the world.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Update on Haven
Now surgery will be scheduled the following week of January 28th. After we do the MRI on Thursday the surgeon and doctor will call. They want to make sure they will not need any other surgeon specialists. As the doctor said, and he's only saying it not confirming it, but if the tumor has made it's way to the brain they will need a neurosurgeon as well.
I will also be receiving a phone call from the Pulmonary doctors to set up Haven's sleep study. I informed them that I didn't want this to delay surgery - sleep is last on my list of priorities. But they believe it's very important to analyze her Hypothalamus functions.
Her doctor met with a lot of doctors (via phone/video conference) yesterday to review Haven's case. All of them have worked with Neuroblastoma but none of them have had a case like Haven's. Doctor again told me how rare her case is and he hasn't found someone who has worked with a case of this cancer causing all the other diseases. My guess is it's another way for Haven to be the only one doing or having something.....she likes to be in a class of her own! :)
Anyway, that's what I have so far or I'm forgetting something. I have to write everything down to remember it.
Love you all
Monday, January 7, 2008
Meet with Surgeon
I also talked to her Oncologist and he has received a few of the tests back from last week. Thyroid test came back normal. Electrolytes in the blood came back normal. Prolactin came back high. Which they said they would expect as it is caused by Cushings and Hypothalamic Dysfunction. Prolactin becomes high when the Hypothalamus can not produce Dopamine - which causes your body to remain in a stressed state due to dopamine not being produced to calm you down.
More blood tests should be in today and the results of the latest Cushings test. All doctors will be meeting to review the tests and will get back to us with their findings.
Thursday we will be at JH all day. We need to arrive by 10am and the test will go through until around 3:30 pm. We will not have any news from these tests until later in the week or next Monday.
Haven is home with her dad and I'm sure driving him insane! :) It's her specialty. She is a non-stop talker and needs 100% attention at all times. You can only hope to be saved as she will pass out in the middle of a sentence....then you can take a breath! The more tired she gets the more she talks.
She woke up at 1:30 am last night and wanted to color. Both Kris and I were still up so I let her stay up until 2am. At 3:00 am she was still watching Incredibles in her room and then at 5:30 am I heard her slam her door shut. She doesn't like sleeping in a bed and was making her bed on the floor...her bed was too hard (not sure how the floor is softer). But I convinced her to come to our room.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Update from the medical world
Friday January 4th we arrived at Johns Hopkins to have a meeting with our new team of doctors at the Children's Cancer Ward. We are very happy with JH and couldn't ask for a better hospital or team of doctors and nurses. We were there from 1pm until 7:3o pm reviewing everything. Haven did two pee tests and had 8 viles of blood taken - to perform more testing on other types of possible diseases and to see what here levels were at. In a somewhat short version here is what we know for now...mind you there is a bigger list of things that will be done but the doctor didn't want to overwhelm us! (RIGHT)
1. Very rare form of Neuroblastoma (so rare we were pushed hard to sign a consent PACKET to have her tumor tested for research and to be published in medical journals). This includes the rare symptoms of high blood pressure and high heart rate.
2. She has 3 diseases currently caused by the cancer: Neuroblastoma tumor, Cushings Disease, Hypothalamic Dysfunction -- I have links to all of these at the side of the blog.
3. Tumor is confirmed located on the spine. It is behind the stomach - between the kidneys - on the spine. It is bigger than they originally told me on the phone - as he didn't want me freaking out at home. He wanted to review it with us in person and so we could see it.
4. She is confirmed that at her level of cancer she is at least in the medium risk category.
5. Surgery will take place in the next few weeks - she will have 3 surgeries at the same time. Main surgery is to remove the tumor for testing. 2nd will be to extract bone marrow from two different places (each side of the back of her pelvis). 3rd will be to implant a permanent tube in to the main artery of the heart - this will remain there for a long time. The tube will stick out from her chest and will be where they will take blood, insert IVs, and perform Chemo treatments.
6. She is confirmed to have Chemo after surgery and it will most likely be for about 6 months - with the way the doctor sounded. As the Chemo is need to kill the cancer and help in the reconstruction of the Hypothalamus.
Our schedule:
Although most of it is not set in stone it is general in:
Wednesday Jan. 9th meet with the surgeon to review the procedure of the surgeries and how long it should take if all goes to plan and her recovery and what she will need during that recovery period.
Thursday Jan. 10th we have the first MRI - this will be to scan all of her body with a focus on the spinal column. This is to confirm where the tumor is, how surgery should be done, and if it has branched in to the spinal column.
We will not know the exact date of the surgery until the mIBG is scheduled. This test is extremely important as it is a specific test for this type of cancer only. Therefore, it is not performed that often so scheduling it with an anesthesiologist is rather difficult. mIBG is a radiation treatment scan. They will inject radiation in to her veins that must go through her system for 24 hours. Then for 3 days straight she will be scanned by a specific machine for 2 hours at a time. This radiation will attach itself to anything cancerous in her body. Allowing the doctors to know how much cancer there is and where it's at. They will not remove the tumor before having this scan as it makes finding all the cancer extremely difficult.
Bone marrow will be sent off for testing and research as well. This will tell us how she got the cancer, what other cancers she is capable of having later in life, and where it has affected the body. We have already signed the consent form for this.
As we find out more I will keep everyone up to date. We should have the results by Monday on the latest round of Cushings. Blood tests should be back Monday from Friday's extraction. We will know more throughout the week and the next few weeks.
Kris' family will be flying in and driving in over the next few weeks to be with Haven and to help us out. We're very appreciative of them and look forward to the help. Haven is excited about all her grandparents visiting and has already designated where they will all sleep. She is in good spirits but wants to know everything we're talking about and everything that's going on. She's way too smart. We discuss pokes and doctors and she likes to know all of their names and will describe them by their clothing and hair.
My parents live near us (pretty close actually) and will be here for us and her. It's a nice comforting feeling. My grandma and Aunt Candy are due to come out after surgery to see her. My dad is going to go get them.
Love to you all - talk soon!
Christmas in Maryland!
Me with Haven and Baby Stryder
Haven holding her baby cousin
Mommy (Katie) and Stryder
Father and Daughter!
Dusty and Mike
Our Angel
Uncle Kris and Baby Stryder
Opening all the presents!
Grandpa B and Baby Stryder
Kendall as excited as ever!
Dusty (sister) and Mike
Grandma playing puzzles with Haven. She can do puzzles for hours!
Grandma and Grandpa B got Haven a bike for Christmas. She loves it. Had her first crash and got up laughing. Dad was laying in the grass trying to catch her. She got back on the bike immediately.
ROHHAD in Ireland
I received this story in my email today. It still shocks me that my daughter has ROHHAD. It's a horrible disease that destroys a child...
Hi everyone. It's been a long time since I sat and wrote about our daughter's extremely rare disease diagnosis. Literally 15 years a...
I received this story in my email today. It still shocks me that my daughter has ROHHAD. It's a horrible disease that destroys a child...