Saturday, March 13, 2021

Lena Willow - babies are CUTE

First. I have to say this is an amazingly beautiful couple. 

We are so happy to be able to see them and watch their family grow. Max and Kendall you are absolutely astonishing. 

Then to find out you two were expecting.  Aaahhh. 

Now to the most wonderful event that happened in 2020 - the birth of our granddaughter Lena Willow. Wow. Such a beautiful, precious baby. 

Kendall and Max had baby Lena on December 17. What a perfect present for mom and dad. Omg. She is just the cutest baby ever.  

Every photo of this angel is truly adorable. She has the funniest expressions and almost 3 months old. 

It's crazy to think you're a grandparent but then again Kris is 47 years old!  I'm about to be 46!  

While this little cutie and her parents live a few states from us we hope to see all of them soon. For now we just keep getting photos printed and a little scrapbook started. 

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