Wednesday, April 4, 2012

IVIG received - much needed

 On Tuesday we headed out to our other new hospital - Huntsman Cancer Institute in St. George.  This is where Haven will get her port flushed every 4 weeks and then every 6 weeks she will get her labs drawn and then every 8 weeks she will get IVIG.  So, we actually get a one month break and then we're in ever two weeks for a month....then another month break.  Then every few months she will head to SLC Primary Children's for a full run down of labs and check ups.

 Her room was very nice at this hospital.  It's bigger than my labor and delivery room and she had a private bathroom.  I was very surprised and happy.  She was very well taken care of.

 Here is Haven hanging out with the Child Life specialist.  He was great and they talked about everything.

 Haven's first time having a male nurse.  Jason was great...he was very willing to let Haven do her own flushing and everything.  Accessing the port was easy and she did very well.  She of course made sure he did everything the way her other nurse did it.

 Nap time.  I let her stay up watching Happy Feet Two the night before so she'd be nice and tired.  She fell asleep about 20 minutes in to the infusion of the IVIG.

 Oh....5 hours later we are done with the to do a flush of saline...wait 30 minutes...flush again and close up with Heparin.

 If you've worked with Haven you know she wants to do her own flushing, blood draws, and Heparin.  I was happy that Jason would let her since he'd never worked with her before.

She did extremely the end when the took the needle out they hit a small vein which caused blood to pour out everywhere.  When I say pour out it means I thought I was going to pass out seeing so much blood.  Haven, of course, was amazing.  She grabbed napkins and put pressure on it and just asked everyone to get her stuff to help.  Her nurse Jason was already on did not do so well and was not overjoyed at seeing so much blood come out of her child's chest.

My Haven is amazing...she constantly blows our minds and she is a true rockstar.  Love you Roo!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Misty,

    What a blessing that the nurse allowed Haven to do her own procedures. I'm sure it made things less stressful for Haven. I'm so sorry that a vein was hit, but Haven was a trooper and knew what to do. I would probably have lost it.

    Please tell Haven and Rohnin that I said hello and Happy Easter to them. I hope you are getting some rest and are healing from your surgery.

    Continuing to keep the Fowler family in prayer.

    With prayers & best wishes,



ROHHAD in Ireland

 I received this story in my email today. It still shocks me that my daughter has ROHHAD. It's a horrible disease that destroys a child...