Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Chemo week

Well its been an up and down week so far and its only been 2 1/2 days.

Monday Kris took Haven to her MRIs. It was his first MRI without me and
I've taken Haven to the last 3 visits. He was able to remember
everything and the doctor called me. The doctor kept asking about
putting a tube in her throat and having her stay overnight. But I kept
telling him she doesn't have issues and is recovered within 30 mins.
Also she can't have Ketamine. Seems like the doctor was having a bad
day. He put a tube in her and refused to let her leave. Kris got to
her and she had blood on her mouth. Well it wasn't pretty after that
and Dr. Badget was called, finally Kris and Haven were on their way

We had a talk with Badget afterwards and made it noted we will never do
an MRI if this guy is scheduled. One of the girls told Kris that
anesthesiologists don't really like parents of oncology patients. They
are at the hospital too much, know too much, and are very particular in
how an MRI is done. Kris and I completely fall here...we agree we know
too much and to be honest, wish we didn't know as much as we do.

Tuesday was IVIG. They had a new IVIG and hooked Haven up. It took
half the time as usual and had to be protected from light while being
administered. Haven was fine until about 5 mins before she and Kris got
home. Then she was sick. Very sick all night. Fever at 99.9, nausea,
headache, super achy, dizzy. We couldn't have the TV or lights on
because she'd throw up. She slept with her dad last night. She said
that would make her feel better.

Today we had Cytoxin. The appointment is set every couple of weeks at
9am...never changes but I sat until almost 1pm waiting for the Cytoxin
to be made/cooked. No one put the order in for us because the person
that normally does it was on vacation!! So Haven had 3 1/2 of saline
solution pumped into her!! We have been in the potty 5 million times.
We are still at the hospital and should be out by 4pm. Hopefully
tonight will be less eventful.

I have some medical updates from MRI and other items that I will update

Love to all

1 comment:

  1. Why a tube? Please update; we are very concerned. Still have a house full of your cousins:)

    Havey just be brave; you have already had things done that I would have refused. C DOES NOT TRUST OR LIKE HOSPITALS OR DOCTORS! Mommy and daddy have to be with you; they have to be sure just what a doctor is doing or a nurse.


ROHHAD in Ireland

 I received this story in my email today. It still shocks me that my daughter has ROHHAD. It's a horrible disease that destroys a child...